Diamond is Unbreakable Credits to Be Continued

Is Diamond is Unbreakable possible at this point?

I know Jojo's ratings do a dramatic dip after DBZ Kai, and I'm really nervous that when SDC ends we won't be able to see Jojo on Toonami anymore, Diamond is Unbreakable is absolutely my favorite animated part and I'd love to see it on Toonami. What do you guys think? One Piece was pulled after the ratings didn't improve, so I see no reason why they'd keep JoJo especially when the series is split up into seasons like this.

level 1

· 5 yr. ago

"Come on, I'm right here... SKEITH!"

It's a bit too early to call anything since the entire block has been down since before Jojo came back. So I wouldn't rule out more Jojo after Part 3 just yet.

level 2

That's great news. I've just seen a lot of negativity about Part 3 and Jojo's performance overall on this sub while I was lurking :/

level 1

I'm expecting Attack on Titan season 3, One-Punch Man season 2, and hopefully Promare to be airing around the time SC ends/DIU should be ready. And if they want to go right into DIU without a break, earliest it should be able to air is 12:30. I'm actually expecting JoJo to get moved down to 12:30 once FLCL season 2 airs and I expect it to stay there permanently, with the final episodes of Kai also airing at 12 so they can just bring in one of those shows at 11:30 after FLCL season 2.

level 2

Yeah I'm definitely expecting Jojo's at least to be pushed back on the block, I am just hoping for Diamond is Unbreakable; if One Punch Man season 2/FLCL can't bring the ratings up then I definitely don't think the block can be helped much :(

level 1

· 5 yr. ago

It takes an idiot to do cool things, that's why it's cool.

It's possible, but it would be much later in the block. I would estimate it would be in the Lupin slot time. Jojo has its audience, but it's not very big and would fare better later in the night.

level 2

Yeah, I agree. 1:30 isn't too bad a timeslot in my opinion

level 1

· 5 yr. ago · edited 5 yr. ago

The rest is up to you. Don't let the situation crush you.

Is it possible?


Is it probably a bad idea?


In all seriousness its weird how Jojo's ratings seem to trend. Which is a shame because I like it a lot but if its not hitting with the people then its not hitting and thats that. I won't lie when I say I think they should probably try something else after SC unless the numbers pick up.

level 1

It's honestly a hard guess. Part 5 isn't happening anytime soon, so it would be still be "new." But ratings are still a large deciding factor. Yet Viz said they're dubbing Part 4 once Part 3 was finished, so they might try to get on Toonami anyways.

level 1

Right now it is. A year from now? Not sure.

level 1

Probably not, unfortunately. I hope I'm wrong.

level 1

I think it's possible. Part 4 is definitely my favorite of the jojo series.

level 2

Mine too! It'd be a real sham for even new viewers to miss out on.

level 1

Stardust Crusaders still has a long ways to go. Who knows

level 1

Is this considered low effort posting? All of these ratings posts should be all in the ratings thread to avoid looking through the same posts.

Now to answer your question: I don't know. It's the Toonami Staff's call, not ours.

level 2

I got some stuff taken down yesterday for this reason apparently. Sometimes the ratings thread gets so big that it's hard to have a discussion that actually gets seen mid week. So I think at times new threads are warranted

level 2

Why did you go through the effort to type all that out? Do you feel better about yourself lmao?

level 1

If they signed up for the whole show, probably.

level 2

when they were doing the rounds at cons, they had josuke on the JJBA: The Animation posters and cardboard standup things so i think VIZ is currently working on the pt 4 dub or starting casting


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Toonami/comments/726vhe/is_diamond_is_unbreakable_possible_at_this_point/

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