How to Optimiz Album Art Without Making It Too Big

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Hi zebulebu ,

By blueprint Windows Media Histrion 12 doesn't stretch the pictures like other media players and shows the original size of the album art.

You lot may customize the album art manually past adding a film of your selection or matching an album in your Player Library with an entry in the online database or try irresolute the anthology fine art with a bigger size picture manually and check.

For more data, refer this link.

Add or alter album art in Windows Media Player

Additionally, you may try to open the anthology art in Windows Media Heart which should give a bigger brandish of the pic.

Mind to music in Windows Media Heart

Hope the information helps. Please mail back and let us know.

Debleena S
Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
Visit our Microsoft Answers Feedback Forum and let u.s.a. know what y'all think.

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Windows Media Histrion 12 does non display "the original size of the anthology art". All of my MP3 files have embedded 600x600 anthology fine art, which is too duplicated in the binder. I accept tried everything possible, but neither Windows Media Player 12 nor Windows Media Eye brandish my anthology fine art properly at 600 10 600 pixels. Windows Media Actor 11 did non have this problem.

Questions for the WMP12 team:

1. Why does the At present Playing window not correctly display my anthology art (600x600)?

2. Why was the advanced tag editor removed? I worked in the music industry for a few years, and tin tell you that the majority of independent music is not "tagged" on your servers.

3. Why does the WMP12 library browser pause repeatedly when accessing my large drove of music files (~600 GB), when the library browser in WMP 11 does non?

4. Why does the WMP12 library browser non display icons for more than ten% of my large collection of music files, when the library browser in WMP 11 correctly displays thousands of albums?

5. Why was the Now Playing part separated from the library browser? Having an editable playlist while in the Now playing windows (WMP 11) enabled easy on-the-fly adjustments.

6. Why can I not install Windows Media Player xi in Windows vii?

seven. Why does the Now Playing window non correctly brandish my album art (600x600) [re: question #1]?

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As zacharm has posted, WMP 12 does Not display the original album art. It displays EVERYTHING as a tiny 240x240 paradigm. Why should I accept to fart around looking for a piece of work-effectually for an result like this? It is heed-numbingly dumb of MS to prevent a user from displaying the album art as the actual size. I don't use the Windows media Actor database as I have a large collection of music (in backlog of fourscore,000 tracks) and know from painful feel that information technology absolutely cannot deal with a library of that size. That'southward OK though - I manage my library manually, the mode I have done for donkeys years.

In addition, why accept you posted two 'solutions' which involve apply of the give-and-take 'try'? That doesn't exactly make full me with confidence. I just want someone to requite me a definitve answer: Is information technology possible to get WMP 12 to retain the actual size of mu album art in the 'now playing' pane? Not too much to enquire - either it'southward possible, or it isn't.

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So - I'yard guessing that (from the other threads I've read on this field of study in various places) in that location isn't a way to go WMP to brandish anthology art at the correct size? Anyone from MS want to comment on that with either a 'yes' or a 'no'? if the reply is 'no', then is there a valid reason for this? Because it seems inexplainable to me in the extreme.

And PS, Mary - the title modify is wrong. I don't want WMP to show album art 'bigger' than 240x240. I want it to show it as the actual size I've saved information technology (be that 241x241, 500x500 or 1000x1000! Just saying 'bigger' than 240x240 loses the whole point of the thread - WMP should show my art at the size I have it saved

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To Zebulebu and others interested in this issue: If you use WMP xi in Windows Virtual XP machine, it works bully, except for the fact that for some reason it skips every second track in your playlist. Obviously it is ludicrous to have to revert to an older operating system to restore the functions of a broken, badly designed windows media player 12.

It seems clear that Microsoft does not care to accost this upshot. Your lack of response (I posted vii days ago) suggests to me that your client service amounts to the following: hoping that irate customers give up and but stick with Windows because there is no other option for some software.

Mary, I encourage you or someone else at MS to actually reply my posts at some point this summer of 2010. Please likewise respond the post-obit, without insulting my intelligence: why tin I not install WMP xi in Windows seven? WMP 11 was very well-received by the cultural customs (I'm thinking of the record manufacture in particular, in which I have worked for a number of years).

Bluntly, Microsoft, there is footling to allow me to commend WMP 12, except for the fact that unlike every WMP version since vii it displays the total playing fourth dimension for playlists (finally!). How tin can you lot maybe wish to succeed in the market place with such an embarrassing media role player? Windows seven is cracking, while WMP 12 is among the worst software that your company has released. I want to install  WMP 11 in Windows 7 until a version of WMP is released which lives up to version eleven (subtle hint: don't set what isn't cleaved).

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Cheers for that zacharn. Looks like (from your posts and various other posts I've read on other forums and noticeboards) that this is a complete balls-upward on Microsoft'due south part. I'chiliad not commonly an MS basher (eighty% of my working life involves Microsoft operating systems and software in one form or another) only stuff like this really, actually irks.

As for customer service - 'Debleena' is just a first line bod reading ____ off a script somewhere (every bit is painfully obvious from the original post made in response where he/she has singularly failed to grasp the consequence I am trying to resolve and posted a stock answer to a question I never even asked!)

I'm thinking of ditching WMP12 anyway - there are just too many ridiculous niggles with it (showing the 'Library' pane every fourth dimension I plug a USB device in, undockable enhancement controls, this album fine art problem etc etc. Whatsoever suggestions for annihilation better? Can't stand MediaMonkey or Foobar, and never really got on with WInamp either...

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That'southward the problem. WMP 11 was a great thespian. I have nevertheless to detect a better ane, and now that I can't install WMP 11 in windows 7, I practise non go to enjoy playing music on my "fancy new" operating arrangement. Why can't microsoft really listen to its users, as anybody I know who is serious nigh music *hates* WMP 12? Nosotros will never hear another response from them on this thread.

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This is disappointing indeed, to see that two years later there is no further word from MS.

If everyone is listening, the album art size bug and the loss of Advanced Tag Editor, features that were bachelor on WMP 11, are serious shortcomings to what I assumed would be something that would build on the strengths of WMP 11.  Amazingly, someone had the time to undo these important features simply has notwithstanding not repaired the annoying addiction of the tool downloading undesired anthology art files from the internet and putting them in my library.

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This is disappointing indeed, to see that ii years later at that place is no further word from MS.

Hither I am, 3 years on from the original post, and STILL experiencing ALL of the same problems. To copy zacharn's list which I have yet to see any answers to:

Questions for the WMP12 team:

1. Why does the At present Playing window non correctly display my anthology art (600x600)?

2. Why was the avant-garde tag editor removed? I worked in the music manufacture for a few years, and can tell yous that the majority of independent music is not "tagged" on your servers.

iii. Why does the WMP12 library browser break repeatedly when accessing my large collection of music files (~600 GB), when the library browser in WMP 11 does not?

4. Why does the WMP12 library browser not display icons for more x% of my large collection of music files, when the library browser in WMP eleven correctly displays thousands of albums?

5. Why was the Now Playing function separated from the library browser? Having an editable playlist while in the Now playing windows (WMP 11) enabled easy on-the-wing adjustments.

six. Why tin I not install Windows Media Actor 11 in Windows 7?

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